Assalamualaikum to all my friend. have u eaten today? because i would like to tell u about malaysian favourite food today. There are many favourite food in malaysia, the most popular is “nasi lemak”. Nasi lemak very delicios and it was suitable take it as a breakfast. There was many kind of nasi lemak in malaysia, usually nasi lemak was eat with “sambal bilis”. Some people like eat nasi lemak with fried chicken or sambal kerang. Then, the second most favourite food in malaysia is “roti canai”. roti canai usually was eat with curry and some people like to eat it with sugar. roti canai can be a breakfast and it most suitable eat with teh tarik. roti canai is popular for indian people also for malay people. Teh tarik is the best drink in malaysia. everyone in malaysia like to drink teh tarik especially in the evening but it depend on situation. now, it has an issue because ,somebody was tell about nasi lemak can make a sick. roti canai can make heart attack and teh tarik can make diabetis. whatever they were saying, i think nasi lemak, roti canai and teh tarik is the most favourite food in malaysia.That all about malaysian favourite food, and i think the foreign tourism will love it too because the malaysian food is so delicious and unique. so, enjoy your meals after read my blog...hehehehee....:p
Posted by kimy
8:55 AM
erm sokmo jd lapar masuk blog faiz..
nk request..
kegi describe nasik krabu plok..best2~~
hehehe...nasi lemok la best..tp nasi krabu sedap gok...lame dok makang nasi krabu..hehehe...
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